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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

O me! you juggler! you canker-blossom! You thief of love!

I am a liar and a fiend. Hang of thou cat thou burr! Vile thing let loose or i shake thee from me like a serpent.

How is the line quoted from my literature text related to me not doing my physics homework you ask? To those who dare seek the truth, i am not as kind dear sirs/ madams, here is what i say in retort and in my childish amusement "Out tawny tartar, out! Out, loathed medicine! O hated potion, hence!"(which quite apparently means "no, no relation at all", gosh can't you read between the lines? Make it snappy, oh yes i'm cranky as a crabby patty, what are you going to do about that?)

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