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Friday, July 30, 2010

I love shang too

I wish you were real shang, I really do. (nah, not really, i just think you're kind of hot)

Yes please

I love stabilo pens that much too!(The person who posted the picture and i think on the same wavelength! i'm glad.) I currently purple stabilo pen. It's wonderful, i'd like to buy a set for my notes.


This is my friend caitlin, hi caitlin i know you're reading this because sometimes i see you reblog my pictures, unless my pictures are common (Noooooooo.............) anyway, this is a lovely picture of you and your favourite animals deers. I know you like deers and foxes and cats and wolves and now hedgehogs? those animals that are all the rage with teenagers (i'm scared of them). I think that's splendid and everything but personally i love camels and llamas. Camels have the most beautiful eyes framed with the longest lashes and llamas have curly hair. I like curly hair. Well this post is just to tell you i miss you and we're going to send you your letter once everything is in order (ask hannah hye. terrible girl that one is. The smart ones always are the worst ones. Keeeding. ) Other than that, my prelims are starting in one month. Its hitting me more and more each day so i'm going to study now. (classic line that means go on facebook) Bye amigaaa! (i hope thats the girl amigo)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Guilty Pleasure

I like to click my own boxes when no one does.


V: oh then i probs didn't, soz.

 N: soz = sorry?

V: no it's = soz.

change channel

Dearest Diary,
I'm about to take my midnight swim (i know its not midnight i just like to pretend i'm cool, IS THAT WRONG? don't judge me or you will here my roaring scream which will hopefully sound as startling as my physical education teacher's man voice.) but i feel very sleepy. I feel like harry potter who just found out that severus snape was not a greasey haired snotface but actually a greasey haired nice man but then it was too late to say anything because snape go byebye. Which basically means i'm sad that a person i know maybe leaving....sick...dying????!!!!(touch wood touch wood touch wood!) Oh the speculations..

My real point is that i won't be blogging anymore! Why you so rightly ask? Because i spend more time with you than with my pet hamster. Because i need to study. Because i'm addicted to you. Because you lead me astray. Because of o levels. Because just because you are bad influence on my life. Because i've decided to spend more time with the living than with you (even though everyone spends most of their time virtually).That brings me to my other point well because maybe i want to be an individual. Also, because i know no one will read this because there are too many words and too few pictures (people are handicapped like that)

i still love you and you know that at times of crisis or times of joy you will be the first to know(right after my best friend, cousins and family)
i rove you (and when i say rove you know i speak truthfully)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010




I'm sorry. Will this appease you, geography teacher who i have no right to name?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

swimming makes me sleepy, i really should be studying instead of watching korean variety shows and playing bejewelled blitz. Good bye.

p.s I can't find the bonesetter's daughter by amy tan which i was very engrossed in and reading avidly. Somebody probably stole it. WHY WOULD YOU STEAL MY FOUR DOLLAR BARGAIN SALE BUY? HOW COULD YOU? YOU THIEF!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Josh beech!!!!!!!!! (sorry ashes:)))

who needs a real moustache when you've got handy tatts like these!


I want to wear this everyday and head butt boys

this is making me sadder than sad


Pikachu has this massive pink patch of raw skin which looks like its been ripped off. i have been looking at it for 2 minutes and he let me. (which means he kept still for 2 minutes) Which is amazing if you know how fast and furious my hamster is. i wonder if its a sign.. maybe he wants me to cure him! I feel like there's a thunderstorm in my heart (meaning i feel sad). should i wait it out? cause he seems fine. but i had this dream that suddenly there were bald patches all over him and he became a red lobster. I want to cry. should i bring him to the vet?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

10 points to ethan NAVA!

MY BROTHER GOT SOGURT FOR HIS BIRTHDAY! that's the way people! keep it coming!

Parrrrty for the people.

I had fun yesterday-today. Thank you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Make up gone wwwwwrroooong

The girl scared the bejeezus outta me.


My wedding dress will look like this.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


These rings are ridiculously cool
stamp ring
love bird ring
i NEED these for my notes. essential for preparation for olevels. no doubt about it at all

the Galaxy is on your finger, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR WOMAN!
I need a potted plant on my finger to water with my tears (what am i talking about.. i don't quite know)

This ring is just retarded

I just like her friendship bracelets

shall i pour you some more tea?
ahhh ahhh ahhh
please propose to me like this



Please don't be gay.


My school canteen should sell this instead of seaweed chicken which is actually 3/4 processed fats and 1/4 unknown meat(hopefully chicken) despite my knowing all this i still eat it most recesses. What is my problem?

Give it to me.

Why, I'd love to have this as a valentine, thank you!


Teach me how to make this please? Please. Please. Please. Please.

Lovely photo, lovely dress

Greater than good

Tomorrow is racial harmony day, i'm wearing a too tight at the top indian punjabi suit because i am well endowed and my mother is not. What are you wearing?


Goodbye social life! And hello apple trees! I love geography, now i just have to start studying geography.

Pen down your dreams

I dreamed a dream. it was a magical and mystical dream. I hope i dream of it again. But that never happens....

Sunday, July 18, 2010


My brother just gave me three pieces of sushi 
he said : "they still taste ok you can have them"
i am in shock. This is the first time i've ever gotten FOOD from him. Out of the kindness of his heart.(and not because mom forced him to.) Wow. This is sibling love right here (i type all this with my mouth full of sushi)(the joy is overwhelming)

wait a minute... maybe they're evil albino bunny sushi like the picture above...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

hexagonal spheres


Friday, July 16, 2010

How loud is the night?

 I've decided to adopt an owl like personality, one who is silent but wise.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I'll go off after one game of bejewelled blitz!

Weasley is our king!

He's just so british and wonderful!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

i love the smell of warm oatmeal.

Letters to ???

Dear GB,

i know i haven't been blogging about you in awhile, how discourteous of me, i mean us being enemies fo lyf and all. You're just not very interesting and i don't really think about you anymore (don't take it personally.... it's you not me.) Well i wouldn't have thought of you if my friend (and your fan) Mrs anonymous-i-am-not-a-stalker (say that the way marina and the diamonds do)(SAY IT) didn't call me in the middle of the afternoon to update me. She/He(this is necessary for anonymity) thinks you look CUTE. Well i almost gagged, choked then died on the air in the study so i had to go out for a breather. She/He must have been mistaken, I mean to think YOU and CUTE belong in the same sentence that is just Ridic-ulous. With a capital "R". But to each his own, well, this will probably be the last time i ever speak of you because i'm already bored typing less then a hundred words about you. I hope you will one day learn that your one-sided hatred for me will die out because i don't even hate you anymore i just think you're a loser with red underpants. Too bad!

I dislike you,

Saturday, July 10, 2010


This picture pretty much sumarizes my whole day............................

Oh get your panties out of your wedgies i was just kidding! I'm just too exhausted to tell you about how my day was. I need to study for my physics AND watch tonight's match = stress-->die. it's all part of the simultanious chemical equations derived from good ole pythagoras thereom, so do the math and tell me what the square root of x is. Yes, exhaustion makes you very drowzy and sleepy and quite mad. Goodbye Goblins from land of the goobs!

Friday, July 9, 2010

My brother thinks

That this is funny... no seriously, he actually likes it. (priya's favourite line : WHY?!) Okay you click it and decide.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Get me a paper bag like this.....please?



You're about the only thing that i know about Spain.

Germany lost?

i like him cause he looks like the toad from x men
and because of this
my favourite coach, i love his style.

I'm sad you lost guys, i spent the whole devotion being moody and upset because i thought you guys were going to win (lesson learnt: never doubt paul the octopus) and in all the matches you played, you were like machines. I generally assumed you'd win. But you didn't...So now i have to get hyped about spain because i generally detest netherlands, for no apparent reason.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

O me! you juggler! you canker-blossom! You thief of love!

I am a liar and a fiend. Hang of thou cat thou burr! Vile thing let loose or i shake thee from me like a serpent.

How is the line quoted from my literature text related to me not doing my physics homework you ask? To those who dare seek the truth, i am not as kind dear sirs/ madams, here is what i say in retort and in my childish amusement "Out tawny tartar, out! Out, loathed medicine! O hated potion, hence!"(which quite apparently means "no, no relation at all", gosh can't you read between the lines? Make it snappy, oh yes i'm cranky as a crabby patty, what are you going to do about that?)

Wasted my life away

I just cleared my facebook lists of people i am not "friends" with. Some people send me a request because of my name, i am sure of it. I shan't blindly accept friend requests anymore. I promise myself. (these people maybe highly dangerous, they could be....stalkers or something. Oh wait. My friends stalk me too. Oh shenanigans)

Tee hee

This reminded me of my nepalese friend nainika, i don't know why. I think it's the eyes..


I helped a blind person today and i did not feel good.

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I like multicoloured pens.