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Friday, July 30, 2010


This is my friend caitlin, hi caitlin i know you're reading this because sometimes i see you reblog my pictures, unless my pictures are common (Noooooooo.............) anyway, this is a lovely picture of you and your favourite animals deers. I know you like deers and foxes and cats and wolves and now hedgehogs? those animals that are all the rage with teenagers (i'm scared of them). I think that's splendid and everything but personally i love camels and llamas. Camels have the most beautiful eyes framed with the longest lashes and llamas have curly hair. I like curly hair. Well this post is just to tell you i miss you and we're going to send you your letter once everything is in order (ask hannah hye. terrible girl that one is. The smart ones always are the worst ones. Keeeding. ) Other than that, my prelims are starting in one month. Its hitting me more and more each day so i'm going to study now. (classic line that means go on facebook) Bye amigaaa! (i hope thats the girl amigo)

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