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Thursday, July 29, 2010

change channel

Dearest Diary,
I'm about to take my midnight swim (i know its not midnight i just like to pretend i'm cool, IS THAT WRONG? don't judge me or you will here my roaring scream which will hopefully sound as startling as my physical education teacher's man voice.) but i feel very sleepy. I feel like harry potter who just found out that severus snape was not a greasey haired snotface but actually a greasey haired nice man but then it was too late to say anything because snape go byebye. Which basically means i'm sad that a person i know maybe leaving....sick...dying????!!!!(touch wood touch wood touch wood!) Oh the speculations..

My real point is that i won't be blogging anymore! Why you so rightly ask? Because i spend more time with you than with my pet hamster. Because i need to study. Because i'm addicted to you. Because you lead me astray. Because of o levels. Because just because you are bad influence on my life. Because i've decided to spend more time with the living than with you (even though everyone spends most of their time virtually).That brings me to my other point well because maybe i want to be an individual. Also, because i know no one will read this because there are too many words and too few pictures (people are handicapped like that)

i still love you and you know that at times of crisis or times of joy you will be the first to know(right after my best friend, cousins and family)
i rove you (and when i say rove you know i speak truthfully)

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