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Thursday, June 24, 2010

What i like to do everyday if i wasn't a responsible person. ( I am a very responsible person)

Since i couldn't have this as my wallpaper i decided that the next best thing was for it to be my screensaver.(applause please) I'm going to the library now. I love books. they make me happily engrossed unless the ending is dreadfully cliff hanger-ish.Then i get fustrated and throw the book aside. An hour later, i'm still thinking about it and i see it on my bed. So i pick it up and read all my favourite parts again. I have this horrible habit of looking at the last paragraph to see if it's a happy ending. I try to stop myself and just rely on the synopsis. But my hands are just itching to double check. I love happy endings, more like i NEED happy endings, so Avril lavigne i know. (or not??)  Furthermore, I always have more than the quota of 4 books per person and i hate deciding which ones to discard (it's just too painful, it's like i'm missing some great adventure) (and it hurts....) I don't get why people don't want books for their birthdays, on my birthday (HINT) i would dearly like it if you (yes you) could please give me your favourite book. i think your favourite books would be the most personal gift in the world and i would love you very much.

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