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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Are we human or are we dancers?

I need to sleep........... i've decided i'm human. (this song has the most ridic-kulous lyrics everrrrrrrr) i WIKIPEDIA-ed the lyrics to check if it was "denser" "cancer" or "dancer" (what the wagon seriously) and check THIS out.

"Flowers said that he was irritated over the confusion about the lyrics and also that fans were unhappy with the song's dance beat: "It's supposed to be a dance song, [the beat] goes with the chorus...If you can't put that together, you're an idiot. I just don't get why there's a confusion about it.""
Entertainment Weekly's Pop Watch section called this line the "silliest lyrics of the week" So i'm not the only one. I'm only human.. I guess only dancers can figure those lyrics out Flowers dear. Oh well...

Goodnight my fellow human/dancers

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