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Monday, December 20, 2010

The day i insulted my only could have been neighbour friends

I must clarify one thing, i am a very shy person and also an avid hater of people in general especially new people aka strangers i have never met. (yes i am, do not laugh at this screen) so when my mother asked me to "play" with some teenage neighbours, she dubbing said teenagers as 'cute' and 'nice'. I was about to have a major seizure. WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS "PLAYING" especially with teenagers? Throw the wii remotes at them and go "adios amigos" thus making my grand exit and fufilling the "entertain them fully" criteria? Bring them to watch my obese hamster work it on his wheel (yes that is exactly what normal teenagers would find amusing and entertaining.)? I was stumped, scared and grouchy which made me become my morning self. For those few unfortunate ones who know me when i am my morning self you should know i become a very negative person. Thus as i trudged my way up with my little sister (who loves thy neighbours as one loves thyself) i was grumbling about "how weird" it was and my sister being twelve, naive and very loud shouted back "They are very nice, it's not going to be weird." I have this nagging supicioun that they could hear us (damn, my MOTHER could hear my sister the loud hailer and we live across the street, what say the people with only a flimsy wall as barrier to our voices) because when we arrived the lady boss (aka the teenagers mother) GLARED RIGHT AT ME (emma said she looked fine and it was the sun and whatever, but no my friends she was glaring at me.) and claimed that they had a 5:30 appointment and would it be too much of a rush? which basically "we heard you bitch, no way in hell am i going to let my kids near a witch such as yourself". This threw me into a whirlwind of guilt and thus landing me into the inevitable conclusion that i shall make gingerbreadmen for them to ease my way back into their good graces.


  1. valerie you need to chill, you're totally over reacting!

  2. this made me laugh 3284610293650298374-912834092386409283741982 times

  3. only 3284610293650298374-912834092386409283741982 times? man..........


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