I can't understand why you're so mean to me................WHY YOU STUPID GROUCH?! WHY!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
People who come to my blog don't say "hi val! ur so pretty.ur so amazing. iloveu.marryme.mwahmwah" anymore, they just come and go like...food....(super sad moment)
Yes, so if you're reading this (cause I know you are, I have a count-o-meter and the count-o-meter never lies!) then I think you should say hello because that's what I do when I visit other blogs..... I say intellectual things like :"hahahahahhaha....hi." or..... sometimes I call them names like "raj" when it's actually Sarah (and she's my cousin) or sometimes... I write uber long emails that fail to get sent out. Whatever, it's the thought that counts. Do I sound sluggish? Cause I kinda feel like a slug, like that fat monster slug in monster inc. SO guys, please! Be a responsible reader and DO THE RIGHT THING. Or I will tell your mothers. Yes I will.
p.s If you did not understand wtf I wrote in the above space it's cause I speak slug.
Long Live the Slugs
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
My Greatest Fear In Life
definition of responsibility: The reason I can't have a car. "You can't have a car until you show more responsibility!" - The Parents "WTF?! All I do all day is sleep!" - Me I fear I'll never fall in love, it's not like I don't know any guys..... I'm just not attracted to them. Except Bus stop Boy who I've neglected due to my need of sleep.PLEASE LORD! I don't want to be a 40 year old virgin with 27 cats, please send that boy in my first picture who I found on reliable website : www.google.com to my house. Xie Xie Ni. I've been watching The Nanny and Eating instead of mugging. I love the nanny, like BOOMS.(haha) Hannah says I'm attracted to innocent guys. IS THAT TRUE? SHIT LAH THE GUY REALLY LOOKS LIKE AN ANGEL, ok back to google guys! I'll keep you updated! |
i | ||
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Bah! Humbug!
quoted by The Ting Tings
After, slamming out all my teenage angst into this blog post I chanced upon this picture. And y'know what guys? " At least I had boobs when I took my first smoke". (Feel so much better now) Okay, I'm having beef for dinner so this is goodbye!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Suddenly I SEE
Everyone i know is talking like this "You think you cool." "You think you funny" "You think you cute" "You think you bald" "You think...." Actually, "everyone" is Felicia, Rah and David. You think... you should stop. It's such a thing of the just now. Gotta go.I mean furreaal. I love Yami YOGURT with fruity pebbles(inserthappyemoticon) which I poo pooed out. Why do all good things come to an end?
Anyway, David, Abel, Rah, Juzzy and Gwen : COME TO MY HOUSE TO PLAY MAHJONG AND WII! (Rah, you can play with Emma) That's what happens to beejy people, you piss of shit.HAHAHHAHA. Eh, buy fruity pebbles on the way OGAY?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Blast Off
Remember what I said about taking a "blog break" and all that? WELL, that was a lie. Cos my mom got out the super old o.m.g. it has a wire keyboard and it works "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN well la."(this statement reminds me of seaweedbun.Gross.) Wakka Wakka Wakka!! This is a cause for a huge celebration guys! Mah brother's alarm has become music to my ears. Yes it has.(It's been ringing for approximately 20 minutes) How do you turn that little bitch off? I had a busy weekend! I love the cookie dough I stole from my posse(it was love at first sight) I didn't study at all. Actually, I can't get myself to study. But I must. Because there's only..... 29-7=22. FUCK 22 DAYS. OK byebye.(I'm srs)
P.S. My cousin Rah gave my number to this guy called Daniel and i'm sure he'll be just like his name (our favourite cousin in law.............whatshisname.meowl's Dude.)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Guess what?
I know I shouldn't be blogging for various reasons.
1. My keyboard is not working (obviously a sign)
2. My speakers are not working (fuck you)
3. I've resorted to using ctrl-v to get my "a" into my blogposts
4. My Lit test is in like. 12 hours.
5. My Exams are in 1 month
Ha. I'll probably still blog. You Wanna Know Why? Cos blogging is like a drug! Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol
Good Morning Ry_n Donowho
Use rollers to keep your fringe out of your f_ce, it works re_lly well. I think I'll get bl_ck ones so I c_n we_r them to school.
You might h_ve noticed th_t my keybo_rd is spoilt. The letter before "B" h_s decided to go on holid_y. I'm kind of s_d cos my keybo_rd & I were best of friends. I'm getting right grumpy now cos my spe_kers don't work. "Life without Music is like _ girl without shopping & th_t girl is one PMS bitch"
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