Remember what I said about taking a "blog break" and all that? WELL, that was a lie. Cos my mom got out the super old o.m.g. it has a wire keyboard and it works "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN well la."(this statement reminds me of seaweedbun.Gross.) Wakka Wakka Wakka!! This is a cause for a huge celebration guys! Mah brother's alarm has become music to my ears. Yes it has.(It's been ringing for approximately 20 minutes) How do you turn that little bitch off? I had a busy weekend! I love the cookie dough I stole from my posse(it was love at first sight) I didn't study at all. Actually, I can't get myself to study. But I must. Because there's only..... 29-7=22. FUCK 22 DAYS. OK byebye.(I'm srs)
P.S. My cousin Rah gave my number to this guy called Daniel and i'm sure he'll be just like his name (our favourite cousin in law.............whatshisname.meowl's Dude.)
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