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Monday, October 6, 2014

I need a cynical cleanse

comes in juice form

buy it here 

Someone said..

"The world would be a better place if everyone could play a ukelele"


I think the world would be a better place if everyone chilled on weekends and worked decently on weekdays instead of being on the ball 24/7 and being crazy because the world isn't made of money, it isn't made of work or blackberries or blueberries or pink berries or iPhone bendies or being a 20 year old slacker who just spent 3 days doing absolutely nothing and feeling mighty guilty now.



Meet Porker (Yes I named my skateboard)


Saturday, October 4, 2014

5 Online Shopping Hacks That Will Change Your Life

Since everyone on the internet has started creating lists about life hacks/food hacks/hacksofhacks/heckalottahacks I thought I would jump on the band wagon and do a list of online shopping hacks. (hey, if you can't beat 'em join 'em.) I guarantee these hacks will save you MORE MONEY than any other hack list you've seen. 

1. Use websites that give you money back

This ingenious idea is a form of advertising for websites and FREE MONEY for you, me and every online shopper reading this right now. In a nutshell, you sign up for websites like and shop at all your regular stores (and when I say all, I really mean all e.g. Luxola, Rakuten, Zalora, FoodPanda, Quatar Airways and the list goes on) and get a percentage of cash back from all your purchases which you can use to buy other get MORE stuff for..... Free....(!?!)

which is BASICALLY

To all the skeptics out there (aka people like me), this is some pretty legit stuff. I heard some guy saved $800 from one of these websites and he's used the savings to book tickets to Fiji. 

2. Online Coupons

Coupons are your life. Preach it with me sister. You can get all your online coupons and promo codes over here. You could also look out for promo codes by following your style icons on instagram. 

3. CLEAR YOUR CACHE/HISTORY (do it now...)

I cleared my cache and I saved $50 on my flight on sky scanner. I did not clear my cache and I paid $8 more for my penny board on


4. Save on shipping

We all know shipping is a pain in the.................................wallet. Please save your money and buy things from websites with free international shipping. Free shipping is a beautiful place. Alternatively, use package forwarding services like those discussed in detail here.

5. Price Comparison Engines

These websites compare prices and products FOR you. You get the cheapest deals on these websites and it's so easy! I recently used to book my hotel in Bangkok and my booking was so. Unbelievably. Easy. I didn't even have to pay for anything at the hotel itself. It almost felt free..... Almost.

So what are you waiting for????

Let the shopping begin.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The things you find off the internet...

I'm going to try drinking 3 litres of water everyday for 28 days 

Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup: "Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly."

I'm going to try leading the "French" Lifestyle or rather, savour my meals like how all my thin friends do. My best friend Kim can literally spend 2 hours eating a slice of carrot cake (crumb by crumb). No more, no butter, no sugar crap. Eating with my senses, here goes nothing.


A story from my journal, under a scattering of deep purple dried flower petals from a beautiful dead flower I picked off the ground on my walk home from school, lay a scrawl of bright blue ink piercing the pages and so blue it almost mimicked the gradients of the dark purple petals that covered it. Dusting the 6 petals to the crease of the binder, the story read:

The light smell of kimchi from her black lunch bag wafted through the air.

"I think I can smell your lunch," I said.
"I think it's the salad," she replied.

She placed her lunch bag on the floor. The smell disappeared. And so did she.

Under the story, a carefully printed unfinished plan wrote

4-5: go holland v.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Love at first kiss

Today, I pressed a single button on the electronic nescafe coffee making machine to produce three thick and aromatic cups of coffee. The machine worked it's magic and I stared enchanted by the jets of coffee shooting like brown pee into the small, white styrofoam cup, interchanging between jets of coffee and ending with a perfect layer of froth and somehow (magically it seemed) a sprinkling of cocoa powder over the frothy foam. My hands clutching the warm cup, I carefully put my mouth to the rim, afraid and excited. I open my mouth and took a tiny sip. It. Was. Heavenly. The soothing smell and the rich bitter taste filled my lungs with a warmth that touched the very core of my being. I was always more of a tea person but in that moment the intricate lacing of bitter coffee, smooth creamy milk and light fluffy foam, I finally understood the aromatic beauty of a cup of (cheap) delicious "home brewed" coffee. 

"Coffee should be strong as hell, black as death and sweet as love"

The perfect breakfast

love this kid 

Disney princesses serving me some lattes??? why not?

Just me and my coffee 

my pet giant kitty

milk and sugar 
milk and sugar
repeat after me

It is..... it really is.

gonna try to do this


Croissant dipped in coffee reminds me of yu za kueh dipped in kopi.

Friday, March 28, 2014



(in a year)


when you look me in the eyes

Because you shouldn't have to do work on Fridays

"You are in love what does love look like?" 

Love is a cup of tea, sweetened by the nectar of flowers

Love is saying I don't love you

It is melted ice cream on a sunny day

a hot, cold
sweet, sticky

It is the light and shadows from the blinds

It is the stories inside dried up tea bags

It is pure, naked and controversial

It fades away

or blooms

But who knows?

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Going for my first jog in AGES.

Bikini body come to me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Diary Of the not so mysterious V

I'm going to start a diary

filled with doodles

dead flowers 

Unspoken thoughts 






Entry 01:

Diaries aren't that immature after all.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Amen to that sista


Because it uses greek yogurt, therefore it is a European cake.............

If I get into the student exchange program to Europe, I shall make this beautiful Grape, Almond, and Olive oil Cake to celebrate! Everyone shall get a slice of this celebratory cake.

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I like multicoloured pens.