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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This is a sacred place that only gets updated once in a blue moon

GO TO MY TUMBLR IF YOU ARE BORED. (you know who you are)

2017 guys

I'm going to grow my hair out and lose 5 kg for my wedding

Friday, February 15, 2013

No shame no glory

I am really into make up now. Buy me make up!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

happy valentines day

tomorrow is valentines day.

Laharharhar days

The day we laughed, we cried, we smiled, we died.

The heart, the brain and the body


wish i were brave enough to wear crazy lipstick

Friday, February 8, 2013

My 2nd round of customers


flower fairy princess


Tuesday, February 5, 2013



MY AMBITION FROM NOW TILL DEATH (i.e Alevel results which i heard are released 1st March) is to be an architect/semi professional face painter/ home cook.


P.S. I also aim to dress staying true to my own sense of style without trying to please the crowd/look skinny, to make really good birthday cards and to knit a light blue beanie.


I baked granola and 2 ingredient cookies today. I thought the cookies tasted like crap but my family loved them to bits my dad ate 3 out of the 9 cookies I made. I shall be very generous and share the recipes here both have no sugar added and are reasonably healthy. Sadly, I still have no photo taking device that is convenient for me to blog instantaneously so I'm going to spam this post with the edited recipes. I think today was a pretty good baking day for me and all the preparation and baking took only about 1.5 hours in total for both dishes. I shall try to cook a meal for my family/brave friends. I shall think of a menu (some thing along the lines of mushroom, pasta, spinach, pizza, sushi, onions, chicken). Hope you try some of these recipes out, there's really no reason you should not....THEY ARE SO EASY.

Basic Granola Formula
- 3 cups rolled oats
- 1 cup almonds
-1/2 cup sunflower seeds
- 2 tablespoons olive oil + lots of drizzling when happy/when you think its too dry
- 2/3 cup honey (because maple syrup is too expensive) and A WHOLE LOT OF DRIZZLING. i think i used about almost half the bottle to be honest.....convincing myself that honey is healthier than sugar anyway.
- random sprinkling of cinnamon 
- random sprinkling of golden flaxseeds
-1 table spoon of vanilla extract
- 5 packets of  those mini sunmaid raisin packets

Lightly grease a rimmed baking sheet, about 30 by 38 cm (12 by 15 inches). (I didn't do that and so my granola got stuck on the sheet and i just ate the paper cause I was upset and happy)
Place all the ingredients (except the raisins) in a medium mixing bowl, and stir vigorously until evenly combined.
Spread on the prepared baking sheet and place in the middle of the oven.
Set the oven on 150°C (300°F) and bake the granola, for 15 minutes
Stir, taste, add honey (OPTIONAL and healthier if you skip)
10 minutes
Stir, taste, add olive oil (OPTIONAL)
10 minutes 
Stir, taste, add honey (OPTIONAL)
Put in raisins for 2 minutes - 10 minutes depending on how burnt you want them to be
Take out to cool they will become crispy as they cool and will stick together if you put as much honey as i did in my fear that my family members would reject them. 

REVIEW: i think its healthy. It's basically honey, oats, olive oil, nuts and raisins. No sugar added. Pretty good in my books shall make more with other ingredients. Love you all try not to burn your granola. When it is brown it is more or less done.

adapted from HERE confession : it's a really good recipe just go there and skip mine if you bothered to read till here. TROLLZ

2 ingredient cookies with mix ins
4 ripe goreng pisang bananas
1 cup of quick oats
Then add in what sounds yummy to you! (or nothing!) We love:
-4 squares of 85% dark chocolate
-sprinkling of cinnamon
-1/3 cup raisins and random mixed nuts (sunflower, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds cashews) 
 We cook them at 350 degrees for 15 minutes on a GREASED cookie sheet. Don’t forget the greased part…. I did and it was not pretty. As i suspected the cookies don't expand so you can pretty much put as many as you can fit into the sheet without them joining.

source:HERE (go there they have picture by picture tutorial.)

show your love through food


Monday, February 4, 2013

SEXCITED (so excited)


shit is getting real

couldn't decide on the perfect double thumbs up face


Kit Cat

I want this purse


Blasts from the past

Hello new job

My little pony lookalike


This is so beautiful

Okay i hope my catalogue looks something like this. Sign up to be in my catalogue friends~

Mermaid's song

I always thought they were beautiful

Face it

I am really into facepainting now. Would anyone care to offer their faces for some trial tests?

Honey Lemon Mondays

Hello world.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

i too have a mole in between the mouth and the nose

sickly girl

When life gives you unpredictable weather, you fall sick



I am very sick. Please fedex this over while I hide in my room for the next 4 days without bathing/moving/talking


Abusive Substances

Can't decide if these tights are skin colour or sheer.

Shopping is mildly addictive

Carpe diem



Hey everybody,

Here's a small pictolelife-ogram for all my fans (special mention to kim my bestfriend and semi professional review writer)

my favourite boy who has a 14 year old spanish girlfriend

wednesday nights (drag queen is me)

baking goddesses

knitting grandmas. Mine is still the same length whereas kim's is done....slow and steady wins the race.

pancake sundays

the good the bad the ugly

take 2 : sober

before her red hair

our morning faces

Owl and Girl

Panda and Girl

Cheese cake, strawberry cake and panda

this is my family

had the most amazing sushi here

panda in nippon 

tea time with le mother #young enough to be le sister

Kinecting with my friend

my make up artist extraordinaire 

my beautiful prom dates #iamlesbian 

Cha Cha Cha with my home girls #welooksobad

survived 2012


blue eyeliner twins


some photos with party animals

fighting birthday party #boxers#geddit

took picture of my freakishly good complexion day


To end the post on a happier note! Enjoy these instant photos we took at my cousins wedding

And... that's a wrap!
Happy Sunday guys! 

I think more blog posts will come along once I get an iphone or if someone buys me a digital camera. Shall write some haikus/post more picture diarrhea/speak in tongues/hash tag everything to fill this space till I feel like posting about my life again (if ever) #countyourselflucky


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I like multicoloured pens.