Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Back again
I was right, the computer IS addictive. Whatever, i just wanted to inform everyone that i'm going to print photographs that i like and paste them all over my room. It's actually quite affordable at a rate of 35cents per piece. Just wanted to share the love. Besides that, i want to get a new camera.
7 days to limelight OMGWTBBQ
Hi i realise i havent been writing in this space except by pretending to be here by inserting various quotes and pictures (of random people i do not know) that i find from the internet. I think maybe... it's because i'm supposed to be studying for my exams which are in 4 weeks. I feel bad for listening to Elise Fur by Beethovan instead of doing my Amath homework (for maybe the first time) Music, fiction and Diversity seem more appealing to the weak at heart. I've decided to ban myself from the computer (yeahright) the computer is a soul sucking device that takes up your wednesday afternoons.![](
So do dance competitions, tattoos (i'm +vely sure) and fleas
Mascots 2010
This strangely makes me happy
In conclusion/zong er yan zi, even though sometimes i post pictures of other people whom i've never met in my life. It doesn't mean it's not the real me. It's just me in disguise (the disguise of laziness, be afraid be very afraid) I think i should start studying. I love you all!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
My harry potter specs make me invibncible
i wanna be like you ooh ooh
I think this is pretty uh mazing
I've never......seen a 3D movie
This shall be my neighbourhood.
Still lovin hello kitty
She's looking cheerful
better than sychronized swimming
I've decided that im vegetarian plus fish eater. This is NOT because i want to atleast be able to have a filet-o-fish at macs or for protein that a young girl of my age needs. No, there is a very in depth explanation that mere mortals shall never understand (no i am not trying to outwit you like cyclops tried to do to odysseus)
Vegetarian for..
I watched Earthlings part 4 in high definition today for SS, somehow the inhumane way we kill animals is linked to globalisation. Don't ask me how. It just is. But whatever the REAL purpose was, i was strongly motivated to become a vegetarian or atleast anti meat for....ever. We live in a sick cruel little society (FYI, BTW, TTYL. i so rox @ diz IM tok) It worked. Not quite well for me. Even though i made fun of my friends who tried to convince me that the katsu don they were eating was a fish fillet, katsu don = chicken killers, i learn
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Gambling on love
The french say, "il m'aime un peu, beaucoup, a la folie, pas du tuot" (He loves me a little, a lot, madly, not at all) That gives better odds than "loves me, loves me not)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Nerd ikaa
A nepalese celebrated her birthday last month and a pretty little chinese girl (coincidentally... ME) forgot to post pictures. Italiano Sapore, everyone!
Pizza was dayum good
Same face sisters (Teehee)
I like your smile
Age is not a barrier to true love
Epic fail shots that people call "candid":
still lovin the pizza
pretending i have bangs
when there's something strange in the neighbourhood who do you call? Ghost busters!
A mouse HAHAHH
darth vadars white brothers
Hi there!
Just in case you're wondering
Where the devil I've been.... well I'm a busy woman! (Okay kidding) Cooke house got 2nd place for everything, pass the kleenex please. Well i've had lots of fun and i L-O-V-E Cooke (L-o-v-e's a word i CAN pronounce) Gonna miss the first (and last) cooke house event our batch has led.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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- Back again
- 7 days to limelight OMGWTBBQ
- Live to a 100 days
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- I used to love you
- My harry potter specs make me invibncible
- Revelation
- Vegetarian for..
- cheese cake anyone?
- Used to want hair like that
- Where is the love
- Gambling on love
- Nerd ikaa
- Just in case you're wondering
- A Series of Unfortunate Events
- life is a joke
- Blessed be the broken
- I'm sorry, I can't be perfect